Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

ideas, comments and questions while reading (chapter 3,4 and 5)

Why has jonas (and Gabriel) pale eyes?
è Maybe he is something special, or his birthmother was from another community
I think that it is good that no one cares about the appereance of  the others, everyone is equal
è That explains why there aren’t mirrors
I would like to know why he is the only one in the community who has got pale eyes. Is it a symbol? What does it stand for?
Does every child have got a comfort object? Is it a rule?
Why is it so bad to be a birthmother?
Why are the newborn children separated from their mothers? The mothers love their children, or maybe not? Have they got any feelings?
è  Maybe it is a rule
Why did the apple change? How did it change? What does it look like now?
What are volunteer-hours? What are they for?
è They are for the Assignments
What will Jonas’s Assignment be? What does he like?
Why isn’t it allowed to see naked humans?
Roberto was released -> so where is he now? What is he doing now?
Did Roberto has got a family? If yes, why don’t they know what happened to him?
Why do they always thank to each other when they speak about their feelings?
In this chapter (chapter 5) you can see that Jonas is in the puberty, he is interested in girls…
è It has to be very hard to speak about such feelings with other people and in front of your sister
They have to use the pills to suppress their feelings for other people (something like Anti- Viagra?)? -> So the people in this community aren’t so free as we thought

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wahid,
    I have to say I really like the questions you noted down for chapters 3-5. I think they show quite well that reading those chapters leaves a strange feeling and many questions in the readers' minds. Hopefully, we'll be able to answer some of the questions when reading on.

    PS:It's "Did Roberto HAVE a family?"
    and "people aren't AS free as we thought."
